How do I levitate? – Easy Magic Tricks To Do With A Deck Of Cards

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What is the best way to do it?

This is the subject of a huge controversy in the field of psychic energy, with conflicting statements of all kinds regarding the “right way” of levitating. There is much misunderstanding between what is known as the modern scientific movement, and the traditional healing schools.

The modern scientific movement accepts the principle that “spirit energy” works through the body at the level of the brain. The body and spirit are one. When a person performs a task in our waking life, that task is performed in the body. If the task is performed at another level of the brain, then it may be accomplished at another speed. This is important to know in determining a way to practice and utilize the power of mind and spirit energy in psychic health healing.

The traditional healing schools are based on the principle that all spirit energies are “unattained”, and therefore have no “physical” function. This is not true. The energy is “unattained” (not yet found in our bodies), and the only way that our body is able to utilize it is from our heart, mind, and soul.

The traditional healing schools view the body as the spiritual portal of the spirit energy to the mind. When people perform physical activity in a physical place, there may be some physical effects, but the effects will generally be local. These local effects are usually related to physical ailments, not in any sense of their being “bad” or “bad for your spiritual health”.
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The traditional healing schools think there is an energy that is used for “health” or something “soul related” that exists within our body, but it is not the body itself. They think there, but it cannot be called “body energy”. This is the fundamental reason why such practices are difficult. This view of the body/spirit as having no physical function is based on the fact that the traditional healing schools define the word body as it is presented in the Bible.

How do I levitate? What is the best way to do it?

There are many ways of levitating. It is one of the most popular forms of healing among the early practitioners of this form of healing. There are several types of levitation, based on the amount of strength, speed, and frequency, but most are based on the method used by the practitioner.

First, I will describe the most popular method. This method is most useful for levitation of things such as people, animals or plants.

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