What is the rarest female voice type? – Learn Singing Online Free Indian

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There are a few interesting facts about all female voices but not all women are able to produce unique, memorable and strong recordings of voice type, and of course not every voice is unique. In the world of voice type assessment, some female voices are considered more common and desirable than others by the voice typist. These female voices include high and low-pitched voices; the vocal range that encompasses the lower range of the female vocal tract on the top and lower third of the vocal tract on the bottom; and, finally, the very high voices that are not quite as common or desirable but perhaps more suitable for a male, as well as the subvocalizations.

Here is a list of more common female vocals (by number of letters), along with the voices for which the female singer has been rated as more desirable.

Number of female vocal types: 6 (High and Subvocalised)

Number of highly desired female voices: 1 (High and Subvocalised)

Number of extremely desirable female voices: 0 (Very Low and Low Pitched Voice Types)

Number of extremely difficult female voices to identify and to find a recording of: 11 (Very High, High and Subvocalised Voices, and a very rare high pitched voice type known as high-low voiced)

Number of extremely difficult female voices to identify and to find a recording of: 3 (Very High, High and Subvocalised Voices, and a very rare low pitch voice type that is just above the mid and upper voices, and possibly high pitched but not quite)

Number of extremely difficult female voices to identify and to find a recording of: 1 (High and Subvocalised Voices, and a very rare Low Pitched Voice Type)

Number of extremely difficult female voices to identify and to find a recording of: 3 (Very High, High and Subvocalised Voices, and a very rare low pitched voice type)

Number of extremely difficult female voices to identify and to find a recording of: 4 (High and Subvocalised Voices)

Number of extremely difficult female voices to identify and to find a recording of: 7 (High and Subvocalised Voices)

Number of extremely difficult female voices to identify and to find a recording of: 1 (High and Subvocalised Voices)

Number of extremely difficult female voices to identify and to find a recording of: 12 (High and Subvocalised Voices)


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